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Frequently Asked Questions

Teeth are not naturally white. They are a pearly shade that, as we age, no matter how good your oral hygiene, gradually turns more yellow. You see this first when a baby’s snow-white teeth are replaced by permanent teeth that are, by nature, more yellow in color. As we get older, the outer layer of enamel on the teeth wears down and exposes the dentin layer of the teeth, which is more yellow. Over the years, tartar and wear-and-tear stains appear and can darken the color of teeth.

Yes, false teeth can absolutely stain and turn colors over time. When not brushed daily, left-behind food debris and bacteria-filled plaque can create stains that look yellowish-gray, green and even black on teeth. (However, dental implants like crowns and veneers cannot be whitened.) Avoid this scenario by maintaining stellar oral hygiene even when your teeth are false, and brush and soak your dentures regularly while also following the proper steps to clean your dentures.

Often when you notice white spots after a whitening treatment, it is a matter of white spots that were there before the treatment and were just made more noticeable by the treatment. Generally, white spots only last for a short time after the treatment, at most for a few days afterward. Sometimes small white spots can appear because of poor calcium deposits. White spots do not warrant concern and vanish as the treatment progresses.